This game is simple but a lot of fun and oddly addicting. I enjoyed it and I liked the style. I hope this game gets some medals in it to! Keep up the great work.
This game is simple but a lot of fun and oddly addicting. I enjoyed it and I liked the style. I hope this game gets some medals in it to! Keep up the great work.
You get one star because it looks nice. But the game just doesn't work, no questions come up and before when they did. The answers were 'correct' answers were wrong.
Now, every questions is "undefined" alongside every answer, in which there isn't a right answer. Preloader doesn't appear to work either.
Very nice
I liked every last part of this game. The sound effects, the animation, the art, everything, especially the story and the way the game is set-up so you can never win. There was a glitch or two I found because I saw soldiers appearing in the video clip after you die, also sound effects that do not belong seem to continue.
I lasted 83 hours so far. I'm yet to see any highscores, I check thed site but nothing appears. Oh well I guess. Good game! :D
Great game, it was simple but I liked it. Artwork as far as the dots go could have been slightly better but oh well. Might I ask, HOW DID YOU MAKE IT SO YOU LOSE WHEN YOU RIGHT-CLICK? I need to know, i'm working on a maze game right now so that would be really awesome to know.
Thank you in advance. (If you use Flash CS3 AS 2)
Sorry, I don't use any Adobe Flash products. I use Swish Max 2. I find it much more simpler to use, and it does the same thing.
1 Aragoth_Studios 28,606
YAY, I'm number one! Great game, though simple I find it slightly addictive. Good artwork and great choice of music. Game ran smoothly without bugs. Keep up the great (hopefully front page) work.
Hehe, number 1
Though demos are to be placed in the "Alpha" section, this game looks like it will be a lot of fun. I like the choice of music and the story in which I skipped. :D
Keep working on it!
A very simple and easy game, anyone that can't beat it is just plain horrible. Its a good test of reaction speed and how crappy my mouse is. You could add some sort of art to the mix and gloss it up a bit.
Other then that, its an okay minute of my time.
Pretty original, not very useful though. Audio would be nice!
Original, from what i've seen....
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Age 34, Male
Joined on 12/15/08